I was thinking of having some cute kitten pictures, but this is better, isn't it?

Everything has been either great and dandy, which doesn't call for good blog material, or terrible, which calls for fantastically emo blog material, towards which I am adamantly opposed.
Not that anyone follows this yet. But one day, dear reader, you'll read this, and I should stop talking as if you don't exist or you'll get offended and leave me.
When you write, you can be anyone you want to be. I, for one, need that escape given I am short (5' 1''), with shoulder length incredibly average brown hair, big feet, and horrible vision.
Or am I?
I was just exercising my ability to be anyone before. I'm actually tall (who knows exact measurements?), blessed with gorgeous blonde hair, and dainty size 7 feet.
Or not.
When you finally read this post, be it months or years after it's posted, please reply which you think I am. Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3- (neither)
Much love to you all, and I hope you're doing well :)